Link Time!

Computer Nerd

A fart-repelling blanket? Thank you, science! “Eat all the tacos you want, dear, I have the Better Marriage Blanket!” – The Frisky

A subtle but funny print ad for diamonds. – Copyranter

Fake 80s commercials make me happy. Even if they’re viral ads for Toy Story 3. – AdFreak

Pajama jeans! – DListed

The Double Down sandwich is finally upon us!

KFC‘s Double Down sandwich was introduced in limited release last year, leading me to nominate the original ad for Worst Ad of the Year. But now it’s everywhere, and minds are being blown by the thousands. This is good for me, because it means people are starting to upload the ads more! Here’s the apocalyptic commercial that’s been airing lately.

Elisabeth Moss for Excedrin?

The new TV ad for Excedrin Migraine stopped me in my tracks (well, I was on the couch, so I guess you would say it stopped my eyeballs in their sockets). “Is that Peggy from Mad Men?” I asked nobody in particular. The commercial didn’t make it obvious that it was her (by, say, putting her name on the screen), and the company doesn’t typically use celebs in their commercials, so was it really her? Here’s the commercial in question (click on this link).

Well, Jezebel answered my question in this post. And the answer is yes, it is definitely her.

But the whole Peggy being in an advertisement is a little weird, considering her character in Mad Men. What would Don Draper think of this ad? More importantly, what would Sal have thought of it? Couldn’t she have jazzed it up with a number from Bye Bye Birdie? I know it’s just a commercial about an over-the-counter pill, but dammit, it’s really about America.